T’uy’tanat-Cease Wyss

In residence: 2018-2021

In her retreat time at the cottage, Cease worked on reconnecting to the lands and waters that Coppermoss is situated on. She prepared herself for one of the busiest years of her life.

In her words…

Starting my busiest year of my life in Tuwanek was the best way to care for myself.  I went into this residency with an open mind and heart. 




Two important elements that we all need but often refuse ourselves this important and nurturing part of healthy living.

I read.  A whole bunch. I made fires everyday.  I ate some of my favourite foods.  I visited with friends whom I often have to check in with through Social Media to find out how they are doing.

My mind became calm. I dreamed of the creative projects I am now embarking on.  Honouring my creative force and my actions. 

The misty winter covered me with rain and gifted me with views of ferns, lichens and mosses shrouded over rocks and trees. 

Food offerings and medicinal and spiritual ceremonies helped me through my journey of healing my busy soul during that two week stay.

I feel cared for by my friends and family who I had the opportunity to share space with. 

Huy chexw a’! 

En ha7lh skwalawens!

The sacred forests and shorelines are in my heart and mind.  They are carrying me to other shorelines and forests of different temperate zones as I journey through this incredible year that has become filled with adventures and opportunities that all began in the lovely little Coppermoss Cabin at Tuwanek.

Chen kwwnmantumiyap!

T’uy’tanat-Cease Wyss is a Skwxwu7mesh/Sto:Lo/Metis/Hawaiian/Swiss, ethnobotanist, educator and inter-disciplinary artist. She works in: Digital Media/Web/Installations/Public Art/Community Based/Engaged Dialogues/Storytelling/Medicine Gathering/Sharing Traditional Knowledge/Cedar &Wool Weaving/Natural Dye Processes/Creating and Building Communities/Land and Wetlands Restoration and Remediation/Collective and Collaborative Processes.

Cease helps coordinate a community garden called “Harmony Garden” in Humulch’sen (Capilano Reserve). Her father is a master gardener, as were her Nahanee family ancestors, who started a farm near Stanley Park at the turn of the century, which was once called Kanaka Ranch. Cease is also the Owner/Lead Herbalist of Raven and Hummingbird, specializing in teas/traditional knowledge transfer/community engagement through tea/media arts and culture.

Find out more about plants here.